The People's Archives, DC Public Library
D.C. Statehood Movement Leaders Oral History Project, 1997-1999
ID: OHP020
Between 1997 and 1999 the DC Public Library and Councilmember Hilda Mason's office jointly sponsored a program to conduct oral histories of D.C. Statehood movement leaders. The project was funded by a grant from the D.C. Humanities Council and it documents the experiences of 10 important Statehood movement leaders: Lou Aronica, Charles Mason, Hilda Mason, Chauncey Thomas, Sandra Thomas, Edward Guinan, Sam Smith, Deborah Hanrahan, Chuck Stone, Tina Hobson. The interviews cover such topics as memories of activist Julius Hobson, the early founding of the Statehood Party, local politics and referendums, constitutional convention, and the defeat of the statehood legislation.
Statehood Related Collections: John Capozzi Collection, District of Columbia Statehood Commission Records, Julius Hobson Papers, League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia Records, Self-Determination for D.C. (SDDC) Collection
Digital Collections: D.C. Last Colony: Voting Rights and Home
Special Collections Research Center, The George Washington University
Home Rule and Statehood related collections: Washington, DC Statehood Constitutional Convention records, Citizens for New Columbia collection, Mark Plotkin Papers, Stewart B. McKinney, District of Columbia papers, Gilbert Gude papers, Walter E. Fauntroy papers, part 1, Greater Washington Board of Trade records , Greater Washington Board of Trade records, Polly Shackleton papers, John B. Duncan papers, Peter S. Craig papers, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington records