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Teaching Black Lives Matter at School

This guide was created to support educators in centering the lives of Black Washingtonians in their classrooms.

The first iteration of this guide, "Black Lives Matter Resource Guide," was released as a PDF in 2019, presenting a curated list of content from Washington History to support educators looking to incorporate the principles of the Black Lives Matter movement in their classrooms. This guide includes all of the original resources, as listed below, as well as lesson plans and other tools.

  • A special issue released Fall 2020, “Meeting the Moment” came together in the summer of 2020 as a response to the global pandemic and ongoing Black Lives Matter protests.
  • Profiles of famous as well as less well-known Black women and men who have made their mark on Washington, D.C.;
  • Articles addressing political and social issues affecting the lives of Black women and men in Washington, D.C., from its founding to the near-present;
  • Pieces highlighting the impact of local Black women and men on the arts, business, culture and politics of Washington, D.C.
  • Teachable Moments – short articles designed for classroom use that take a single local primary source and explore its historical context with DCPS curricular needs in mind; and
  • An annotated bibliography relating to a little-known experiment in community policing that took place in Washington, D.C. between 1968 and 1973.

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