City Directories (1822-1973)
The DC History Center holds Boyd’s City Directories for 1822, 1827, 1834, 1843, 1846, 1850, 1853, 1855, 1858, 1860-1943, 1948, 1954, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, and 1973. Directories list residents alphabetically, and include occupation, place of employment, home address, race (up to 1870), and names of spouses (1928 onwards).
From 1914-1973, directories include a separate street address index. Patrons may search for their homes by address to discover its historic occupant. Volumes also contained a business directory, organized by business category.
Data was collected via door-to-door canvas in December of the previous year. If your home was built and occupied within a calendar year, the residents may not appear in the directory at that address until the following year.
Property Tax Assessment Directories
The DC History Center holds select 20th century tax assessment directories, primarily 1917-1940 and 1981-1999 available by appointment. An inventory can be provided in advance.
Directories Available at the People's Archive at the DC Public Library
These directories are available from 1874 – 2009 on microfilm. Information provided here will include property owner, assessed value of lot and “improvement” (the value of the house), and square footage. Property’s square and lot number will be needed to search.
Digitized City Directories - ONLINE RESOURCE
Online database HeritageQuest (; available with DCPL card) has some city directories. However, this database is setup for searching for individual people rather than browsing the entire digitized directory.
Select directories between 1860-1909 have been digitized and are available online; an index is available at:
Journalism is a first draft of history, or so the saying goes. Among the holdings of the DC History Center are several collections of columnists' articles and images, focused on hyper local DC topics.
John Claggett Proctor
J. Harry Shannon
Real Estate Atlases are structure-level maps which identify street address, square and lot numbers, and subdivision name (if applicable). Depending on the location of the property, any or all of these elements may have varied over time.
Reviewing real estate atlases chronologically can help determine the approximate date of building construction and trace neighborhood development.
Holdings at the DC History Center include Boschke maps (1857, 1861), Faehtz and Pratt atlas (1873-1874), Hopkins atlas (1878), Hopkins Real Estate atlas (1887-1896), Baist Real Estate Atlases (1903-1968), and Sanborn Insurance maps.
The DC Public Library has digitized plat maps/real estate atlases from 1874 to 1896; see the Maps: Real Estate Plat Books collection at Dig DC. In addition, the Maps: City & Regional collection on Dig DC may show early maps of your neighborhood.
The Library of Congress online map collection also includes early Baist and Sanborn atlases. These are available for high resolution downloads:
1903 (Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3)
1907 (Vol 3, Vol 4)
1909 (Vol 1, Vol 2)
1911 (Vol 3)
1913 (Vol 1, Vol 4)
1915 (Vol 2)
1915 (Vol 3)
1919 (Vol 1, Vol 3)
1921 (Vol 2, Vol 4)
Sanborn Atlases
1888 (Washington City & Georgetown)
1903 (Vol 1)
1904 (Vol 2)
1916 (Vol 3)